Challenging Behavior: Teachers, Directors, Leaders, What Do You Need?

I’m super busy this week welcoming our new members to the TCB Teachers’ Club and getting them set up for success in the 2024-2025 school year…

BUT since I usually post a blog post I wanted to say a quick hello.

Don’t worry even though you didn’t join us for the TCB Club this round, no hard feelings ;) 

Question though: how CAN I help you?

Can you do me a favor?

Tell me what YOU need when it comes to challenging behavior in early childhood classrooms?

Let me know in the COMMENTS BELOW.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate it. 

ps - Have you seen these notes at the bottom of some of my previous emails (maybe from earlier this summer) and do any of these look helpful? 

Please feel free to click around and check them out…

Teachers, ready to truly transform challenging behavior in your classroom? 

Save your spot on the TCB Club Waitlist

Get FREE tips and strategies by exploring TCB Articles and Free Resources

Check out our ever-growing library of TCB Training Opportunities.

Directors looking to support your staff: START HERE

Organizing an early childhood conference? Learn about my Conference Presentations.

If nothing above looks like it will help you, tell me what YOU need below.

I just really want to know what all of you who subscribe to my emails are looking for from me.

Whether you’re a teacher, instructional assistant, coach, director, etc I’d love to know. 

*Thank you*.