Transform Challenging Behavior Resources

Get tips and strategies so you can prevent most Challenging Behavior in your classroom

Check out our FREE challenging behavior resources below…

No More Challenging Behavior Cheat Sheet

This is our #1 FREE resource.

The Cheat Sheet has been downloaded by thousands of educators working in all types of settings.

Struggling with kids’ behavior at circle time, center time, or during transitions? This is for you.

Get 9 Simple yet powerful challenging behavior strategies that you forgot, underuse or never learned.

Transitions Tip Sheet

Need help with challenging behavior during transitions like clean up time, coming back inside from outdoors, or the transition from lunch to nap?

Get 5 simple tips to help you get you from clean up chaos to transition magic!

FREE TCB Online Conference Training Video

Trauma, Challenging Behavior, and Young Children: Strategies to Support and Empower with Sarah Erdman 

Watch this 1-hour video interview from our most recent set of Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference sessions on Trauma, Challenging Behavior, and Young Children: Strategies to Support and Empower with Sarah Erdman NAEYC author of a book on the same title!

You’ll learn…

  • what to do when a child is playing out upsetting scenarios such as “Dead Dog”

  • get tips for getting past your own traumas or sensitivities when they are triggered by children

  • learn how play can be healing for young children who have experienced trauma

  • gain a new understanding of how to address super hero and gun play

  • and much more!

Plus, you'll get a free workbook AND a downloadable PD certificate (yes, even the certificate is free!)

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to get one of our most popular conference interviews for free…