The Transform Challenging Behavior Teachers’ Club
Get the Tools, Strategies, Training, Coaching, and Support you deserve month after month
So you can become one of those teachers who have the "Magic Touch” with Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behavior.
Enrollment in the TCB Teachers Club is currently closed and typically opens just once per year.
Join the waitlist today to be the first to know when enrollment opens!
In the TCB Teachers’ Club you’ll LEARN the complete brain-based, equity-educated, play-powered transform challenging behavior approach so you can consistently prevent behaviors in your classroom and get back to loving your job and help children like you want to.
DISCOVER the play-powered way to easily increase self-regulation, attention and cooperation at transitions (clean-up, coming in from outside, getting from lunch to nap) and circle time without power struggles or anyone getting hurt.
GAIN the clarity and confidence to problem solve and prevent even the most challenging behaviors in your classroom.
Plus, you'll get support to put the ideas you're learning successfully into practice in a way that will actually work in YOUR unique classroom and with the specific behaviors you're currently experiencing.
The TCB Teachers’ Club
Get the Complete TCB Toolbox So You Can Finally Transform Challenging Behavior in Your Classroom.
Enrollment to the tEACHERS’ club IS currently closed.
Join the waitlist and be the first to know when we open our doors again in the future.
“The TCB Teachers’ Club has been a never ending well of knowledge and support.”
Group Access to the TCB Teachers’ Club
Are you a Center Director, Head Start Manager, or other administrator…
Who's curious about enrolling your staff in the TCB Teachers Club?
“Earlier this year I faced teacher burnout. I found myself planning to leave my wonderful career for one child and his parents. This membership, conference and coaching calls helped me to realize I was not alone. It gave me the confidence to keep going and not become cynical and disillusioned.
The techniques from the Club help me to see through the pain and build my confidence to face new situations which many teachers are facing world wide. During the last six months I experienced a wonderful classroom, and I shared many things with my new team. I ended the year feeling positive and looking forward to new challenges.
This totally surpassed my expectations.”