Transform Challenging Behavior Trainings

Get the knowledge, tools and strategies to succeed with the even the most challenging behaviors.

Whether you choose our Transitions Course, the TCB Online Conference Learning Library, or our TCB Teachers’ Club membership you’ll get practical strategies that actually work in real world classrooms.

Check out your options…


Step-by-Step Respond Course

1.5-hr Online Training with PD Certificate

 Know exactly what to do - and what not to do - to help children return to calm.

Transform Large Group Online Course

2-hr Online Training with PD Certificate

Learn easy yet effective tweaks for getting children to Listen, Cooperate, and Follow Directions

Transform Rest Time Online Course

1-hour Online Training with PD Certificate

Key Ingredients for Preventing Challenging Behavior from Lunch to Rest

Learn 10 strategies to help children transition from lunch to nap time without struggles and get them settled with ease.

Transform Your Transitions Online Course

A Step-by-Step Online Course


Learn how to prepare the children in your class to transition smoothly from one activity to the next, learn what to do about tantrums and resistance, how to avoid common mistakes, and stop struggling! 

I absolutely love this course - it’s so simple to understand.
I love the strategies and they were definitely something that I was not doing before.

Thanks so much, I love your work!
— Kim S., Early Childhood Educator, Crescent Head, Australia.

TCB Online Conference Lifetime Access

Get Lifetime Access to TCB Conference Recordings

A learning library with 21+ speakers each year

Get instant access to the Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference materials.

You’ll get essential information and strategies on everything from trauma-informed practices to nurturing self-regulation skills to figuring out the cause of challenging behavior and so much more.

I am so glad I purchased this because as an early childhood leader it assisted me for months afterwards. I used it as a resource to prepare for outreach, training prep, and conference planning in meaningful ways to truly help Utah’s ECE communities get at the heart of their work. SO transformational - thank you!!”
— Katie Ricord, Executive Director, UAEYC

TCB Teachers’ Club

Get the Complete TCB Toolbox with Training, Coaching, and Support Month after Month

membership program

Get the Tools, Strategies, and Support you need to Become a "Magic Touch" Teacher.

Stop challenging behaviors before they even start and de-escalate behaviors when they do occur so that you can finally Transform Challenging Behavior in your classroom.

TCB Teachers’ Club is currently closed for enrollment.

Join the waitlist and be the first ones to know when we open enrollment in the future.

The online community has become an invaluable support network and resource for me. Quite a few times I’ve reached out in deep moments of desperation and each time, I’ve been offered amazing advice from both members and Barb herself. The advice and support I’ve received has always helped.
— Belva Stone, Director/Owner/Educator, Outdoor Preschool

Learn more about the TCB Method

Not sure which training best suits your needs but you’re ready to truly transform challenging behavior in your classroom?

get started by watching our free training