Arrival Time in Preschool Classrooms: 4 Questions that Might Help with Challenging Behaviors

How’s your school year starting off?

If things are feeling chaotic or you’re seeing more children hitting, hurting, melting down or resisting directions than you’d like may I gently make a suggestion?

Focus on tweaking arrival time.

Because how we start the day is often how we do the day.

By creating an even more responsive, supportive, and grounding arrival time you can help children start their day connected, engaged, and regulated. 

…which will help them succeed throughout the day.

These questions may guide you in making some strategic tweaks to your morning routine…

  • How can you make sure each and every child feels welcome?

  • Anything you can do to help those hard-to-reach children feel connected to you?

  • Are your arrival activities things that children WANT to engage in?

  • How can you tweak the early morning activities to ensure they sooth the nervous system, get the energy out, and help the children to get regulated? 

Let me know in the comments below how it’s going and what you might tweak.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!