Responding to kids who go from 0-10, shut down, and struggle with Self-Regulation

Tamiko Gray, a Teacher and Supervisor in a Child Care Center told me,

“My biggest challenge was dealing with children that had self-regulation concerns.”

She explains…

“2 children in particular. 1 child would go from 0-10 in seconds and would shut down when educators were trying to problem solve with them. The 2nd child would tantrum, scream or run away when asked to tidy up during transitions even with 5 min warnings.”

I know Tamiko is not the only one seeing an increase in behaviors like this. Tamiko joined our TCB Teachers’ Club and after just 30 days with us reported…

“The “Yes And” strategy has made an instant difference with those 2 students and the 7-Step Almost ABC's De-Escalation Process has also made a huge difference.  

…the 3 year old has increased their language and is speaking more with staff and children. Less running away and less screaming! 

The 6 year old that would normally go from 0-10 in seconds has also started to speak more when trying to deal with situations that upset him. 

I have also been role modeling for my team and used the TCB Club Tipsheets for staff to help support them. The Tipsheets were a great opener to having the conversation about introducing new tools to use when responding to challenging behaviors.”

KUDOS to Tamiko!

She’s doing the work, using new strategies/proven processes…

…and it’s paying off!

How’s it going for you in terms of responding when children tantrum, scream, shut down or “go from 0-10”? 

Let me know in the comments below.