Ask the Early Childhood Teachers and Child Care Workers

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Ask the Early Childhood Teachers and Child Care Workers

Every so often in the past year and a half, when I sit down to write to you, all I really want to say is: 

How are you doing?, really? 

All the strategy in the world is the last thing on my mind and I'm just wondering, gosh, how are you holding up over there? 

Something about so many schools finally going back to 100% in-person learning (I know many of you have been in-person for months or over a year) just highlights how little our society - policy makers and all too often program administrators - look to teachers and early child caregivers as the experts that you all are.

Just once, I'd like to see decisions made about whether and how to do things in early childhood programs and classrooms fall into the laps of the actual people doing the work. 

(Ok, not just once, but let's start there). 

So, while I can't wave my magic wand and make it so, I'll ask:

  • What do you and the children you work with need right now? 

  • How are you doing? 

  • If you ruled the world  - or just your program - what decisions would you be making in order to set you and the children up for the best possible experience this Fall? 

Let me know in the comments below.

(No need to have everyone agree).

Thank you for the work you do.
