Kids Who Push to the Front of the Line | Challenging Behavior in Preschool

Last week I was on a Coaching Call with the Founding Members of the TCB Teachers’ Club and one member shared about a child who always wanted to be at the front of the line.

Every day, every time. 

You know what I mean, right? 

I shared with the group what came immediately to mind:

“I learned somewhere that sometimes the kids who always want to be first actually may have some sensory processing challenges and they may be doing it to block out the noise and stimuli and in an effort to self-regulate...I can’t remember where I learned that.”

“Jamie Chaves said it!” someone immediately wrote in the chat.

YES, of course. It was in my interview with Jamie Chaves, Occupational Therapist! 

(Part of the 2021 Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference. Gosh, I learn so much from our speakers!)

In case you missed the conference - or didn’t have a chance to watch my interview with Jamie - I wanted to share that little nugget with you today.

How does knowing that some children push to get to the front of the line due to challenges with sensory processing change how you might respond?

Let me know in the comments!

*Not sure what to say about the weird cartoon I selected as the photo for this - it’s on point but not my usual…what can I say, sometimes I write these and choose my pics late at night - ha!