Preschool Challenging Behavior: Children Who Don’t Follow Directions

About a year ago, I was speaking with a center director who told me that her teachers' biggest struggle with behavior is getting children to follow directions! 

Yep. She said that direction-following - not physical aggression - was the most spoken about challenging behavior concern for her staff.

I wasn’t surprised.

That’s because around the same time, I had surveyed the members in our Transform Challenging Behavior Teachers’ Club and discovered the same thing!

The #1 biggest struggle reported when it comes to challenging behavior was:

“How to get children to listen, cooperate, pay attention, follow directions, etc..”

See for yourself…. 

(From the actual Google form results - listening/following directions is the blue pie slice):

Preventing physical aggression was the #2 reported concern - so it IS a concern! Just not the #1 concern. Interesting, no? 

So what’s a bigger concern for you - listening and following directions OR aggression? 

Let me know in the comments below!


With the Transitions Tipsheet you’ll get 5 Simple Tips for prevent tantrums and resistance during clean-up, circle time, coming inside, and rest time so that your classroom is full of ease and joy. Click the button to download it below.