Early Childhood Professional Development: Challenging Behavior

Creating the Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference is arguably the most exciting thing I’ve ever done.

The conference originated as an unreasonable idea that honestly felt like it was stalking me.

Create an online conference? What!? How? How will I find people to come? Why can’t I stop thinking about this? Get out of my head!

But due to a series of lucky and synchronistic moments as well as dash of faith...

The Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference was born in the Spring of 2018.

...and, THOUSANDS of people showed up. 

We all learned so much. The Facebook group exploded with teachers sharing "a-ha's," asking questions, and reporting that they put the strategies they were learning immediately to use...and saw positive results.

I’ve held the conference every year since then...I can’t get enough!

For our event this year: I've interviewed the speakers. The videos are edited. Spanish translations: almost done! And, we’re putting the final touches on the workbooks for you. 

Whether you're teaching remotely...hybrid...or in-person…

Whether you’re seeing higher rates of challenging behavior than normal due to everyone’s stress…

...or, less challenging behavior due to smaller class sizes…

The conference videos will give you the tools you need to succeed with children who exhibit challenging behavior...and honestly, it will give you so much more. 

If you have questions about the conference or want to comment on your experience last year please share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

Not familiar with the Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference and how it works?

Here are some quick facts...

  • 7 days

  • 3-4 videos per day

  • 24 hours to watch each video

  • Closed Captioning/Spanish Subtitles on all videos

  • Daily workbooks - available in both English and Spanish!

  • Daily prize give-aways

  • Facebook group (optional): discuss the talks, meet the speakers, make new friends from around the world

  • FREE

SAVE THE DATES: April 28 - May 4, 2021

the conference is over but you still can watch it!

Get essential information on everything from trauma-informed practices to social emotional skills to figuring out the cause of challenging behavior and so much more with your lifetime access to the Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference Library!