What if we could continue all year long?

This week I’m basking in the afterglow of the Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference. 

It’s such an inspiration to see how you all showed up, learned, asked questions, were open to new ways of thinking and doing, and put many of the ideas you learned immediately into action. 

I’ve been thinking about creating a community where we could continue this experience not just for one week each Spring but all year long. 

I wonder what that might look like…

…and I’m curious about your thoughts on that.

The name that came to me is simply the Transform Challenging Behavior Teachers’ Club (TCB Club or TCB Teachers’ Club for short?)

Honestly, the concept has been on my mind for a couple of years but I don’t have it all built out yet. 

I’m envisioning an online community where we build on the ideas from the conference sessions and I provide additional TCB training...an online community where you get support from each other, from me and maybe some of the TCB Online Conference speakers would pop in from time to time.

An online community plus a library of training, tools and resources for transforming challenging behavior that could support you on your journey to be the teacher you want to be and to ensure you can succeed with the children who need you most. 

Like I said, I don’t have this all built out (for reals) and I don’t have all the details figured out quite yet but I’m thinking of making this happen in the next few weeks, and building it as we go!

If you’re open to a help-me-build it TCB Teachers’ Club I think we can do it sooner than later and continue the experience of the conference all year long.

If you were to become a part of an online early childhood community designed to help you transform challenging behavior what would you want it to look like?

What additional training and support do you need?

What would you want from an online community?

What if you truly had what you need to succeed?

What might that look like?

Let me know in the comments below…