Is it Time Yet? Preschool Teachers Need Some Rest!

Oh my gosh, please tell me you have some time off coming up soon?

It’s WINTER (at least in the United States) and really, shouldn't we be hibernating!? 

I don't know about you but I am taking off the last week of December and I am seriously counting the days.

Don't get me wrong...I loooooooove my job! 

I'm currently working on preparing training for our TCB Teachers Club ❤️ and preparing for our free, live online Transform Challenging Behavior training series that I'll be leading February (SO excited! ✨) so there's nothing negative about the work itself.

I just need some down time. 

Now, if I need time off, I can only begin to imagine how those of you teaching full time (or even part time!) are feeling.

Yesterday, I spoke to one of our 2021 TCB Online Conference speakers who is a full time preK teacher and they were like "OMG I AM COUNTING THE DAYS!!!!!"

Are you counting the days?

I'm not doing any stories of success, strategies or links to resources this week. 

I just want you to know I am sending you so much love and compassion if you are feeling burnt out, beyond exhausted or just plain tired and in need of a break.

Let me know in the comments below if you have some time off coming up 🤞🏻, how much you can't wait on a scale of 1-10 and maybe one thing you're looking forward to...


ps - When I say "how much you can't wait on a scale of 1-10?" I want to make sure you know 12, 13 or 158 are all absolutely appropriate answers. 

Thank you SO much for the work you do for children and families. It's such critically important work and you're truly making the world a better place.💕