Early Childhood Resources for Teaching During the Pandemic

Who are you looking to for guidance right now for teaching during the pandemic?

Whether your program is open, opening, you’re teaching remotely or you’re still not sure yet as to what’s happening this Fall, if you’re like most early childhood professionals you are OVERWHELMED.

So many questions!

Not a lot of good or clear answers. 

How do you prioritize play and child-directed learning when you have to wash toys in-between children using them?How do you focus on and build relationships when you are being told to prevent children from hugging you and children can’t see your facial expressions easily because you are wearing a mask?

How do you support families who you know are struggling, especially when they are unresponsive when you reach out?

...and, those are just the tip of the iceberg!

Today my main goal is to find out: who are you looking to right now?

...where are you getting some inspiration and guidance?

Can you post a link in the comments below to let me know and so that other educators reading this can benefit from you sharing, as well? 

Just share your thoughts in response to what I’ve written here with a link to a website, podcast, PDF, organization or individual on social media - any place you have received some good guidance on early childhood teaching during the pandemic. 

Don’t have any recommendations?

No problem. You can read below to see what other people have shared.

Of course, I can’t vouch for everyone’s suggestions! This will be a community-sourced resource list.


I can’t wait to read what you share.

Oh, my the way, here’s one good resource I’ll share.

It’s a Resource Guide aimed at center directors and other ECE leaders from the folks at the Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. 


Thanks to Dr. Antoinette Taylor for sending it my way!

CLARIFICATION: I was looking for early childhood resources specifically. Or, at least resources intended for schools (could be preK-12) navigate teaching and supporting families during the pandemic - for both programs that are open and in person and those that are offering remote or virtual support and learning. Will delete other suggestions. Thanks for understanding.