The New Year is right around the corner!

Happy New Year! I’m late but wanted to acknowledge it.

I love a New Year.

Whether it’s a new calendar year, a new school year, the winter solstice when the days start getting longer, a birthday, or learning about cultures or religions that have a holiday celebrating a new year or even just a new period in life. 

Any excuse for a fresh start is a good thing in my book!

Currently I am mulling on what I can create for you in 2024 that might be of help.

Can you share your input? 

What do you MOST need help with right now?

  • Do you have a specific behavior, child, challenge that you need help with?

  • Looking for how best to support children who are lagging developmentally?

  • Want to learn how to get kids to the rug for large group and keep them engaged?

  • Need trauma resources?

  • Tips for getting coworkers on board with new ideas?

  • Looking for in-person training, a one time workshop, or an in-depth course on something specific? 

  • A quick and easy-to-consume resource on something VERY specific? (What is it?)

  • …Or something else? 

If you can take a few minutes to share my one request is that you share only ONE thing you’re looking for. You can jot a note or share paragraphs but no laundry lists.

What’s the ONE thing you MOST need to succeed with challenging behavior in 2024? 

One thing.

World is your oyster. What would help most?

Let me know in the COMMENTS BELOW.