Key Ideas for Your Preschool Classroom This Year

I recently received an email from Sue Paton, one of the Founding Members of our Transform Challenging Teachers’ Club, that beautifully captured some key ideas that I think you may want to keep top of mind as you transition into a new school year.

Key Ideas for the New School Year

Here’s the list I extracted from Sue’s email…

  • Remember to have fun

  • Connect with each child

  • Listen to children, follow their lead, and be flexible

  • Strive to enjoy the educators you work with 

  • Seek to gain information from families and follow their lead (rather than trying to get them to do things) in order to learn about the children and form trusting connections (ok, I added some of my own thoughts to that one for emphasis)

  • Fight hard for what you believe in 

  • Remember how children learn 

  • Notice and celebrate the ways you’ve been on the right track all along (I could not love this one more)

I believe these ideas can help you gain children’s trust, avoid power struggles, set children up for success, and prevent a whole lot of challenging behavior before it even starts! 

Would you like to hear this in Sue’s own words? Here you go…

“The children in my classroom are seeing a better me, one who remembers to have fun, connects individually with each child, listens to them and goes with their lead and is flexible. 

I am enjoying the educators I work with and (thanks to your training with families and co-workers) I had very informative parent conferences this year, gaining much information about the children and following the caregivers lead.  

…this club has reminded me of my philosophy and helped me grow (even after 30 years!)  

I have always fought hard for what I believe in and how I feel children learn and your club has reinforced that I have been on the right track all along.  

I just needed some research and information from you.

 ~ Sue Paton

Which of Sue’s ideas were top of mind in your work last year? 

…which ideas do you want to remember during the upcoming year?

Let us know in the COMMENTS below.

ps - Enrollment to the Transform Challenging Behavior Teachers’ Club only opens a few times of year so if you think joining us may interest you be sure to hop on the Waitlist so you’re the first to know next time enrollment opens.