Prevent Challenging Behavior During Preschool Large Group Experiences

Let’s talk about the large group teacher-led experiences in your classroom…

Large Group. Group Time. Circle Time. Morning Meeting. Story Time. 

Remember I said in my last blog that NOW’s a great time to start thinking about your classroom transitions?

Well, it’s arguably just as important to start thinking about how your large group, teacher-led experiences went over the past year (and back in Aug/Sept when you had a new group)....

And asking yourself:

  • Did some children struggle to join the group?

  • What can I tweak to support reluctant children and stragglers to join us? How can I use a play-powered approach to get children to the rug relatively quickly and safely? 

  • Which types of lessons or activities were most-often interrupted? 

  • How might I make my storytimes and activities SO fun and engaging that interruptions are few and far between?

  • Could my large group experiences be a little too long? 

What if you had some really effective strategies and tools to make your large group teacher-led experiences IRRESISTIBLE to almost every single child?

…and, what might happen if you gave those reluctant to join a little time to warm up? 

Let me know your thoughts, questions, and dreams for large group in the comments below.