How it's going working with Children who Exhibit Challenging Behavior?

How has it been working with children who exhibit challenging behavior?

Have you been investing time and energy in building your confidence and skills and doing what it really takes to transform challenging behavior? 

Are you implementing strategies that you’ve learned - maybe from my free 4-Step Transform Challenging Behavior  training that you registered for a little while ago as well as other places - so you make steady progress in preventing challenging behavior and quickly deescalating it when it occurs?

Or, have you slipped into “reaction mode” and not been able to give this part of your teaching the proactive attention it needs and deserves? 

It’s been about 30 days or so since you registered for the 4-Step Transform Challenging Behavior System, and I believe that’s a good amount of time to reflect on how it’s going with working with children who exhibit challenging behavior currently.

I’d love to hear what’s going well, if you’ve been able to prioritize this, and/or what challenges you’re facing…

Share your experience in the comments below.👇🏼