Preschool Teachers and Challenging Behavior: On a Scale of 1-10

Are you seeing challenging behaviors during transitions and large group times?

  • ignoring you or running around during clean up time

  • refusing to come to large group

  • verbally interrupting you or rolling around during story time

  • power struggles that escalate to aggression stemming from scenarios like those above 

If so, I gently ask, could you be in ‘Reactive Mode’ when it comes to challenging behaviors at transitions and group times? 

If so: No shame. No blame. 

It happens to the best of us! It’s easy for this to happen. 

What does “reactive mode” mean?

Well, you know: it’s that putting out fires feeling.

You announce clean up time and once again Rafael doesn’t start cleaning so you remind him… a giant power struggle ensues…Marcus and David start fighting over a toy…Eleanor hits Rachel…you finally get to circle time only to be interrupted, see ‘copy cat’ behaviors, keep giving rule reminders, and barely get through the story.

…you’re exhausted, frustrated, fed up, and on a fast track to burn out. 

You’re using GREAT strategies like offering choices or giving rule and expectation reminders.

…but those strategies aren’t working!

That’s because even though they’re great strategies they’re not the right strategies for those children, at those times. (I know, frustrating, right?)

The solution?

Get out of reactive mode.

Get prevention minded.

Make proactive plans so these behaviors don’t even take place!

So, I’m curious, {first_name}, when it comes to challenging behavior during transitions and large group, on a scale of 1-10 where 1 = PROACTIVE and 10 = REACTIVE where do you fall?

What questions do you have about ‘reactive mode’ vs. proactive mode? 

Let me know in the comments below.